The Power of Manifestation

There’s something about the start of a new year that brings about a sense of hope and yearning for something more. An aura that captures the magnetism of unfulfilled potential brimming with new opportunities and ideas.

In January and February I tend to ask myself the questions - What practices have I outgrown? How can I be a more supportive spouse/mother/friend/mentor? What goals can I set that will challenge me? How can I show up differently for myself? 


Entering this new year, I have a whole new level of gratitude for my passion for the power of manifestation. Harnessing the capabilities of our minds to bring our goals and desires to life is an astonishing theory and belief. Focusing on gratitude, engaging the law of attraction, and adopting a relentless positive frame of mind truly plants seeds that allow our dreams to grow and flourish. 


The first step to becoming more familiar with manifestation is by reading books on the subject! The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is acknowledged as perhaps the most famous of all manifestation books that kickstarted the movement. Gabrielle Bernstein’s #1 NY Times Bestseller Super Attractor outlines specific steps to live more in alignment with the universe. She engages with the notion that our connection to our universe can extend into our daily lives and allow us to be a light for others. Definitely a must read! To know you are on the right track, you can also read books like Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson.


Another practice that I’ve found to be helpful in my manifestation journey is Sound Baths. They are a meditative experience that use sound waves to penetrate your mind, body, and spirit. Sound Baths are an ancient tradition that focus on healing to allow participants to connect deeper to the world around them. Increased awareness, sense of wellbeing, and intrinsic experiences are among the effects of disciplined practice. Highly recommend reaching out to Lindsey Valdes @lvlyoga for Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, and South Baths if you are in the LA area.

Manifestation relies heavily on our thoughts, and journaling is the primary way that is recommended! Whether you choose to brain dump or follow a prompt of sorts, you are bound to reap many benefits from this practice.

I have some amazing friends who love to journal and they have recommended The Manifestation Journal from To Be Magnetic, which allows you to express yourself while also intertwining itself with the overarching awareness that manifestation requires. It offers checklists and prompts to keep your practice disciplined and track your progress. Another favorite that is very popular is Five Minute Journal! Each page shares the same prompts that you complete when you wake up and before you go to bed. It focuses on gratitude and self improvement, a perfect nightstand companion! 


I can’t wait to see all the magic that this new season holds, especially with the power of manifestation on my side.


Manifestation Journal 

Five Minute Journal 

For more inspiration, check out my Instagram @leeannsauter.

Images from Pinterest.



LivingLeeAnn Sauter